Support Maui
T-Shirt Fundraiser
Like all of you, MVVC has been heartbroken over the devastation that has happened in Maui. This is an area that is special to so many of us, and we have coaches and families that are from Hawaii. This community has come together to help before, including raising $15,000 for the Paradise Fire relief. We are again asking our amazing MVVC community to come together and this time SUPPORT MAUI.
We have designed a special line of our statement word shirts, that will only be available for a limited time. You will receive one shirt for each $50 donation. There are four designs, which will be given at random. You can’t pick your shirt, but we will do our best to provide a variety when you order more than one.
Last day to order is August 20th and shirts will be delivered 2-3 weeks after that time. If you are committed to a MVVC team, the shirts will be delivered to your coach. If not currently playing for MVVC, we can ship them to you.
ALL proceeds from this fundraiser will be split between two charities:
Maui Strong Fund is focused on the rebuilding and Maui Family Life Center is providing immediate assistance those most affected.
If you don’t want a t-shirt, you can still be a part of this fundraiser and use the link to make a donation.
Any questions, please contact Barbara Kozak at 2barbarakozak@gmail.com
Together, we can make a difference and SUPPORT MAUI.
We thank you for being a part of our amazing community.