Return-T0-Play Guidelines:
In these uncertain times, MVVC is able to offer:
MVVC dedicated 4-Court Facility
Stable scheduling
Safe facility following COVID mitigation guidelines, (including hand sanitation stations, disinfected courts and equipment, and closed courts with separate entrances to allow social distancing between teams)
Quality Coaching throughout each age group
MVVC’s Safety Measures (implemented and in place at our home facility)
Return-to-Play Guidelines for Individuals:
A. Before Attending Practice or Tryouts
Be symptom free for at least 14 days prior to attending any practice or tryout
Stay home if you are sick or do not feel well
Be aware of and disclose any potential contacts with coaching staff.
Practice social distancing while entering and exiting the facility
Wear a face mask while entering, exiting, and whenever possible during practice
B. During Activities
Do not touch your face, eyes or mouth
Refrain from contacting other participants and attendees (high fives and huddles).
Players will be required to practice social distancing (minimum 6 ft apart) during all breaks, while waiting off the court during drills, and upon entering/exiting the facility
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow if you cough or sneeze.
Bring hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes to use during breaks
Properly dispose of your personal drinking cups, bottles, or utensils used
C. After Activities
Wash and sanitize your hands often.
Do not touch your face, eyes or mouth with unclean hands.
Monitor your health and report any symptoms after every activity
Wash and sanitize all gear, uniforms and apparel used during the activity
Practice Procedures:
Parents will not be allowed to attend practice. Parents are asked to stay in car for pick-up/drop-off.
There will be a 15-min “dead period” in between each court session for players to leave and the court/equipment to be disinfected. Players will remain outside of the court area until cleared by the coach to enter.
If you arrive early, players are asked to remain in their cars until 10 minutes before their practice time
Adhere to social distancing guidelines during all times
Practice Policy:
The cost of the program will anticipate that each player misses 1-2 weeks worth of practices
Players will not be able to make-up missed sessions by joining other groups
Given the current situation and guidelines, MVVC will not be offering refunds for missed sessions beyond the anticipated amount
Return-to-Play Guidelines for Clubs:
All equipment, including volleyballs, where the club activities take place will be disinfecting before and after each practice.
All coaches and participants are confirmed to be symptom free before participating in any activities.
MVVC coaches will adhere to and enforce social distancing requirements
Drills, competition, and meetings will be modified to limit/reduce potential violations of social distancing requirements
Social Distancing Guidelines: Before/During/After Practice
Coaches will take the temperature and monitor health of each player before every practice
Players will enter and exit through designated entrances for each court
Parents are asked to wait in their vehicle for their player after practice
Coaches and players must adhere to social distancing guidelines before, during, and after practices.

Valley Church
10885 N. Stelling Rd
Cupertino, CA 95014